Farah and I have worked together for a number of years both in the UK and internationally. Her moving to Portugal for family reasons didn’t prevent a number of major joint projects taking place.
Key amongst the projects are:
A review of mental health services for the Royal Marines Charity
Acting as interim manager for a large learning disability charity
Working on the development of services for people with learning disabilities and mental health issues in central and eastern Europe;
Projects for the Department of Health on mental health and ethnicity
Developing supported employment schemes for people with mental health issues
And many more.
She brings to all her work – determination: she won’t take no for an answer; an array of training skills for engaging the more hard to reach users and some clients; charm: people usually want to oblige Farah if they can; and modesty.
John Reading
Civis Consultants
I work both alone and within a team of consultants, work includes:
Business Planning and Fundraising
Policy and Service Reviews
User Consultation and Reviews
Report and booklet writing
Senior Interim management
Development of new services
Service Mapping exercises
I have worked with the Department of Health, women’s organisations, law centres, domestic violence organisations, BME organisations, housing associations.
Please contact me, to discuss consultancy required, cost is negotiated per contract.